DECIDE - AI design of decentralized coopetitive control over networks

The project has resulted in the publications listed below. Use the "»" button to reveal an abstract of each publication, and "«" to hide the abstract again (requires Javascript).

Journal papers

  • M. Susca, V. Mihaly, Zs. Lendek, I.-C. Morarescu, Passivity of Linear Singularly Perturbed Systems. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2024. In press. »
  • B. Yousuf, Zs. Lendek, L. Busoniu, Exploration-Based Planning for Multiple-Target Search with Real-Drone Results. Sensors, vol. 24, pages/article number 2868, 2024. »
  • T. Santejudean, S. Ungur, R. Herzal, I.-C. Morarescu, V.S. Varma, L. Busoniu, Globally convergent path-aware optimization with mobile robots. Nonlinear Analysis - Hybrid Systems, 2024. revised version under review »
  • B. Adhikari, J. Veetaseveera, V.S. Varma, I.-C. Morarescu, E. Panteley, Computationally efficient guaranteed cost control design for homogeneous clustered networks. Automatica, vol. 163, pages/article number 111588, 2023. »

Conference papers

  • E. Pop, I. Lal, L. Busoniu, Real-Time Simultaneous Optimistic Planning for Hybrid-Input Nonlinear Optimal Control. In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 16–18 May 2024. »
  • A. Couthures, T. Mongaillard, V. S. Varma, S. Lasaulce, I.-C. Morarescu, Analysis of a continuous opinion and discrete action model coupled with an external dynamics. Accepted at 22nd European Control Conference (ECC), Stockholm, Sweden, 25–28 June 2024. »

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